Sebastian Blasius, * 1979, works as director/choreographer as well as theatre scientist. Before he studied at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies in Giessen, Germany, he also worked as visual artist and musician.
His continuous artistic research is how to interlace own questions into reconstructed historical stagings, so that, through these initiated `polyphonic` processes, theatrical conventions as well as viewing habits might be irritated.
His so-called `overpaintings` of historical stagings are shown at numerous theatres and festivals in Europe, f.e. at Künstlerhaus mousonturm/Frankfurt, Festival `Junge Hunde`/Aarhus, Theaterdiscounter/Berlin, monty/Antwerpen, i-camp/München, Schwankhalle Bremen.
The concept he presents at `arpia` deals with the idea to install objects in the landscape which are on the one hand too inspicious, too unremarkable to be seen or named as `art` in the rest of the surrounding. On the other hand the works should irritate by subtle, strange characteristics in so far that the latent suspicion can arise, that nevertheless they could be constructed interventions because they produce numerous references and associations to the art context as well as to the ecological problem.